
Endodontics is the branch that processes the endodontics of the tooth, ie we do endodontic treatments / denervation. The nerve and the vessels (pulp) that are in the center of the tooth root are removed, disinfected and restored with special materials so that the endodontically treated tooth can work in the mouth for many years without any problem. In the past, endodontic treatments needed many sessions to end, today an endodontic treatment can end very easily and simply, in one session!
Endodontic treatment, or denervation
Endodontic treatment, or denervation is the procedure performed by the dentist when he removes the nerve and germs from inside the tooth. That is, it cleans and disinfects the pulp chamber with the root canals (the internal spaces of the tooth where its nerves extend) and then seals the gutta-percha well up to the tip with a special material.
In living teeth we find the "pulp", while in dead teeth there is an amorphous infected mass. The pulp is not just the nerve of the tooth as commonly described, but a soft tissue that contains blood vessels, nerve fibers and connective tissue. The pulp is located in an empty space in the center of the hard tissues inside the tooth and is surrounded by the dentin (hard tissue that makes up the tooth internally). It extends from the pulp chamber to the upper part of the tooth (called the mill), continues into the root canals inside the roots and reaches the tip located inside the jaw bone. Each tooth has only one pulp chamber but may have one or more roots and several root canals.
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Facing the problem
If a tooth decays and is not repaired by a dentist, germs can enter it and cause the "death", ie necrosis, of the pulp. Also after a tooth injury. After the necrosis of the pulp if there is no denervation, after some time (months or years) the germs will come out of the tip of the tooth and the problems will start. A cyst or even an abscess may form with pus that causes severe pain, which takes several days with antibiotics and strong painkillers to overcome. If left untreated even at this stage, the germs and their derivatives will slowly dissolve the bone at the tip of the tooth and we may even reach the extraction of the tooth.
The denervation process is usually done under local anesthesia because it is a painful task.
After the anesthesia, the doctor removes the pulp with special tools and as in the photo and then cleans and shapes the root canals properly. During denervation, various drugs are used in the pulp chamber and in the root canals to neutralize the germs. The main one is 5% sodium hypochlorite, which dissolves germs and nerves, but has a bad taste like bleach. Also, if it accidentally splashes, it can discolor the clothes, so do not wear your good clothes when you go for a denervation appointment….
If there is inflammation (swelling and severe pain) that has spread beyond the tip of the tooth, antibiotics and painkillers-anti-inflammatory may be needed for a few days. Reactive inflammation can be caused by the denervation process itself or the materials placed on the tooth, so do not worry if you feel pain when chewing for a few days. At the next visit, the temporary filling is removed and if everything is OK, the tooth is sealed normally or some changes are made with drugs inside the tooth.
The denervation can be completed within the same session (once) according to the latest scientific views and thus the patient can win many visits. However, this can not be done in all cases, it requires some conditions and endurance on the part of the patient to keep his mouth open for a long time.
In the next session, a shaft is usually placed in the denervated tooth for its structural reinforcement or a crown (the well-known crown or case) is placed for the final restoration of the tooth. The reason is that because the pulp was removed, and much of the mill, the denervated tooth loses its moisture and is more fragile.
The denervated tooth can remain without problems for many years, as long as its roots are nourished by the surrounding tissues. Good oral hygiene at home and regular visits to the dentist for control and maintenance prevent recurrence of caries and gingivitis. If we visit our dentist properly and regularly, we can keep the denervated tooth for the rest of our lives.