Oral Surgery
At the Nicosia Dental Implant Center you can be treated for any of your orthopedic problems, you do not have to go from doctor to doctor to be treated. With our special experience easily and painlessly become:
- Simple or surgical extractions of teeth,
- Surgical exports
The wisdom teeth may have the wrong ascent in the mouth and this creates caries problems in the adjacent teeth or even crookedness of the entire jaw. If sages rise like the ones in the pictures, they must be removed before they cause problems. All operations are performed in our area by properly trained staff.
- Teeth acrosectomy in cases of failure ενδοδοντικών θεραπειών,
- Surgical revelations of undiscovered teeth,
- Placement of dental implants and the performance of all bone augmentation surgeries for long-term results such as
- Eξωτερική ανύψωση ιγμορείων για προπαρασκευή οστού
- Internal sinus lift with simultaneous placement of implants
- Surgical bone regeneration with titanium plates or non-absorbable membranes
- Vertical and horizontal increase of the alveolar ridge
All this is done using the most modern diagnostic techniques CT scans, CONE BEAM scans. There is a careful selection of techniques that will be used for the best possible result and the longest treatment.